Crew Service Centre Indonesia

Where to find us

If you are interested in our services and job vacancies, please contact or visit us at:

Jakarta Office

Sentra Pemuda Kav 5-6, Jalan Pemuda Raya No. 61,

Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia
Telephone: +62 21 2961 7300,

click here to get road direction.

Bali Office (opening soon)

Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai No. 69

Denpasar Selatan, Bali

click here to get road direction.

+62 21 2961 7300

Available Monday through Friday 9am - 6pm WIB


Email: [email protected]

Recruitment Team 1 (Deck & Engine)

Email: [email protected]

Recruitment Team 2 (Hotel Crew)

Email: [email protected]